3825 SCENIC RIDGE, TRAVERSE CITY, MI | 231-932-9757
Monthly Updates
For more details on the scheduled activities for the month, view our calendar below!
Bay Ridge Assisted Living Center
Social Events &
Socializing and participating in fun events and activities are an important part of life, and a part of life we emphasize here at Bay Ridge Assisted Living Center. We sponsor all sorts of activities, including:
- Ice cream socials
- Puzzles, bingo, and card games
- Color tours
- Holiday and theme parties
- Resident-requested trips
- Clubs including men’s and women’s coffee clubs and book clubs
- Movie screenings
- Visits to local eateries
- Cooking, crafting, and quilting
- Worship services and Bible study groups
- Guest speakers and entertainment
- Gardening in our flowerbeds or in planters