727 APPLE AVE, HOLLAND, MI | 616-392-4650
Monthly Updates
For more details on the scheduled activities for the month, view our calendar below!
Appledorn Assisted Living Center South
Social Events & Outings
Assisted living presents residents with opportunities for socializing and participating in fun activities, and Appledorn’s community is no exception. We put on an assortment of events and activities for our residents to enjoy, individually or in small or large groups. Favorites include:
- Puzzles, bingo, and card games
- Holiday and theme parties
- Movie screenings
- Cooking, crafting, and quilting
- Worship services and Bible study groups
- Gardening in our flowerbeds or in planters
- Guest speakers and entertainment
- Men’s and women’s coffee and book clubs
- Visits to local eateries
- Resident-requested trips
- Color tours
- Ice cream socials