727 APPLE AVE, HOLLAND, MI | 616-392-4650
Appledorn Assisted Living Center South
Our Mission: The mission of the Appledorn Assisted Living Center is to provide residents with the care and support they need, in the home setting that they deserve. We seek to promote residents’ independence, dignity, and self-sufficiency to the greatest extent possible, without undue restriction, and to foster personal, social, and psychological development of those in our care.
Personal Care
To ensure our residents’ health and comfort, Appledorn South staff is ready to assist at any time, with needs big or small. The following services are essential to the continued comfort of our residents, and are included in our base fee.
Meals & Snacks
Appledorn’s chefs prepare healthful and savory meals in-house, three times per day. Meals are served in our community dining room to provide residents with a chance to socialize. Beverages hot and cold, homemade muffins, fruit, and other treats are up for grabs at any time you feel like having a snack.
7 a.m. until 9 a.m. we serve breakfast. After 9 a.m., a cold breakfast is available for residents who like to sleep in. At noon we serve our main course, lunch. At 5 p.m. until 6 p.m. we serve the final meal of the day, supper. For additional charges, residents may choose to take meals in their apartment units, or to invite guests to a meal.
Medication Assistance
Licensed nurses are on-staff and available 24/7. Trained Medication Technicians are scheduled around-the-clock to provide medication assistance which may include opening pill bottles, reminding residents to take medication and dispensing medication.
Wellness Checks & Mail Service
When residents receive their mail and newspapers, we also have a conversation to check in on their health and well-being.
The maintenance staff of the Appledorn campus keep our facilities beautiful and functioning smoothly, and can assist with adjusting the thermostat and hanging pictures, to name a few duties, as well as performing other facility upkeep activities.
Appledorn housekeeping staff take care of tedious household chores such as changing bath towels (twice per week), changing bed linens (once per week), washing laundry (once per week), vacuuming and dusting (once per week), and making the bed (once per day), so that our residents don’t have to.
As Needed Care
At Appledorn Assisted Living Center, we personalize care to your specific situation. To do this, we perform a Personal Needs Assessment that measures factors such as continence, mobility, mental acuity, and performance of essential daily tasks. Based upon this assessment, the results of which we review with the resident and family or representatives, supplementary care that exceeds our basic care offerings is provided (at an additional cost)
As-necessary supplementary services include:
- Assistance getting into or out of bed
- Bathing assistance (in shower or hydrotherapy tub)
- Medical testing assistance
- Dressing/grooming/personal care assistance
- Assistance getting to and from events, activities, and meals
Wellness Programs
We believe that Appledorn residents should live well. To facilitate this, we offer programs, events, and activities to address the physical, social, mental, and emotional aspects of well-being.
- Health and wellness seminars on a variety of relevant topics
- Exercise opportunities including walking groups, chair dancing, senior aerobics, balloon toss, and golf, tennis, and bowling on the Nintendo Wii
- Opportunities for social interaction
- Podiatrist-provided foot care
- Strength-building and fall prevention exercise programs, run by occupational therapy and physical therapy professionals
- Regular checks for blood pressure, prescription eyeglasses, and hearing aids
- Licensed nurses with access to vital medical information on staff
Specialized Dementia Care
Appledorn South offers specialized dementia care for residents facing Alzheimer’s, dementia, and other types of memory impairment. Our contained care environments, The Terrace and The Courtyard, are staffed by compassionate individuals who understand the unique struggles and needs experienced by those with memory impairment. In this controlled setting we work to reduce stress on memory and fading abilities and skills, and by doing so enhance the quality of life for our residents.
Support in these care environments includes:
- Planning care around the individual with an aim to best serve his or her needs, not around lost memory or skills or around a particular disease or affliction
- Providing activities that are enjoyable for residents and promote self-esteem and happiness
- Encouraging residents to engage in fun physical activity appropriate for their level of fitness
- Supporting family members caring for residents with memory impairment
- Assisting residents’ use of mental facilities with prompts and cues, physical and visual
- Supporting residents in performing daily tasks autonomously
- Assisting residents with grooming, dressing, bathing, and other personal care needs
- Guiding social interactions with members of Linden Square staff, other residents, and visiting family and friends
- Assisting residents with toileting and managing incontinence
- Assisting residents at meals